The Roan Theatre Company is proud to champion new writing and have produced a number of never before seen plays.
We launched our campaign to showcase new writing in 2015 with "Y.O.D.O : You Only Die Once" by in house writer Stuart Mitchell Smith, who has gone on to produce original pieces "Dinosaur Pieces" in 2019 and the award winning "Four Freaks From Iowa" at Greenwich Studio Theatre and Medway Little Theatre in 2023.
We also were proud to present Charles Evans "Atrocity" in 2020.
Submission Policy
Send a full link to your work with contact details to the company e-mail (under contact)
We cannot accept works which are derivative of existing works. (Unless that work is out of copyright)
We cannot accept works in which the characters are based upon real characters who lived in the last 100 years
We cannot accept any works which offer sexist, racist, homophobic , trans-phobic depictions.
We cannot accept any works in which copy-written content is used (Music, Extracts Etc)
We cannot accept any works for which the writer has contracted a professional agent.
We deter submission of "musicals", though plays with singing (Of original or non copyright songs) are acceptable.
Technical Considerations
Before submitting your play, please consider the following.
Revolves and trucks for scene changes: These are not "as standard" for theatre venues and have additional costs.
Pyrotechnics: Require a lot of paperwork and safety checks.
Children : Require their own chaperones and dressing rooms and can only work till a certain time of night.
Animals: Animals also require chaperones , dressing rooms, plus additional animal welfare checks and an obscene amount of paperwork.
We are an amateur production company with high standards.
We have selection committee with individual standards. You will only receive reply should your script meet standards of the committee.
The Roan Theatre company wants to give authors a chance for their work to be seen and produced to a high quality. Fee's should not be the motivation for submission. A £1.00 payment is offered to secure the rights.
If a work is selected and the author and company agree then the author grants the company exclusive performance rights of the selected work for the agreed upon duration of an individual run. These rights cannot be rescinded once granted until after the final performance of the agreed run has taken place.
If all is agreed upon the author will have minimal input on the actual production itself. The company should be free to alter, edit and cut content if it deems such is necessary.